Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

how to measure speed with a Casio G-shock GA 110

Did u know that u can measure with some Casio G-shock the speed? This video shows how it 's done with a Casio G-shock GA 110C-1Aer

1. switch to the stopwatch mode

2. hold the adjust button to specify a distance value between 0.0 and 99.9. By pushing the reverse or forward button you can change the value. The distance value represents miles, kilometers or any other distance unit u want
3. After specifying the distance value, press the adjust button to exit the setting mode

  • the 1000 indicator points to 1000 when the speed value exceeds 1000
  • upper display indicates 100 units
  • speed hand indicates value between 0 - 99
  • speed can be indicated from 0 to 1998. When the speed exceeds 1998, over is indicated by the speed hand

Click to buy!

Die Casio G-shock GA 110C-1AER ist in Deutschland hier erhältlich!

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